From seed to seedlings

Lavender plants were obtained by two methods:
1. Basic method
2.Strification method
1. Basic method - Lavender seeds were planted in soil in two ways - randomized and in lines.
2. Stratification method - Seeds were stratified in a refrigerator for 34 days and then put in a heat box for 7 days.
In the first year I started to make lavender seedlings from seeds and grown by natural methods.
Seed germination consisted of 20%, in worse cases, 8%. Reasons why this germ is bad - I think they could have different criteria, such as wrong seed depth or bad quality seed.
In the next year, however, I did not bother and decided to follow another method - Stratification method
Seeds for 34 days were placed on a wet mat in the refrigerator, then they were placed in a heat box for 7 days. I separated them from a wet mat and compiled the soil in a cartridge, about 4 in one cartridge. And a month or two were in a heated greenhouse. When the plants were grown up to 4-6 leaves I put them in the unheated greenhouse. Seed germination by these methods was 65%, but for some varieties, even 95%.
And HERE also a video from
Best Secret to Germinate Lavender Seeds with Success
I recommend watching - Ideal material to supplement your knowledge!
Yours faithfully ℒ𝔞𝔳𝔞𝔶𝔡𝔲𝔩𝔩𝔞
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