My choice of lavender varieties.

Greetings to all lavender lovers ! I think that this is a time for Lavender and in this article, I would like to share with you my chose of varieties. And will put all links where you can buy seeds. So I have chosen 5 different varieties to explore what could grow in Latvian conditions. And the varieties I choose are Lavandula angustifolia - 'Lavander' Provance blue ',' True Lavender ', Lavander' Munsted Dwarf ',' Hidcote blue 'and wild seed. Basically I wanted to pick sam seeds similar to England Link- So for more detail read on each description of the varieties ↓ LAVENDER PROVANCE BLUE Groseeds -seeds in England Species Lavandula Angustifolia (Narcissus Lavender) Breed- Lavender Munstead Dwarf Seed- 100 Package- 08/28/2015 Exhibited -on 12/18/2017 Planting -in a sunny place Sowing - February-April Flowers - May-September Resistance-...